In Preparation

  • Logistics Checklist

    There are a number of practical things to do for a trip to another country. The more that can be done in advance, the easier, more cost-effective, and less stressful everything will be. Please read and follow the list below for all that needs done and how to implement. Reach out with any question big or small!

  • Cultural Orienation

    It is honoring and respectful to have some awareness of differences and norms when entering another culture. Being humble and learning opens avenues for healthy, honest, and real connection. Follow the guides below to begin to learn how to enter another way of living and glean the most from it.

  • Spiritual Guide

    This journey intensive is meant to be a significant step in your life following Jesus and walking out his life for the future. Entering a holistic process that does not start and end in Gulu is part of Another Way. Please give time and space to begin this fresh journey even now and begin implementing the list below.

Logistics Checklist

Watch Videos to Learn Information in More Detail

Submit Application and Deposit

  • Fill out form sent via email after your initial contact. To be official, must also pay $200 deposit and fill out the registration form here: Registration Form



  • Another Way works with our partner tour company Routes to Africa, who has facilitated team and individual trips to Uganda for 9 years. Contact Jennie to have RTA book your flight and simply include it as part of your overall trip cost.

Cost and Payments

  • $3500 plus the cost of flight, visa, vaccines/medical

  • $200 non-refundable deposit;

  • Remaining balance after deposit: $3300

  • Payments made to Routes to Africa. Check, bank transfer, online with credit card, PayPal (any credit card payments do have a 3% fee, as is standard).

Visa Application

  • A “tourist” visa for $50 is required to enter Uganda. Jennie will walk you through this process closer to departure. One applies online approximately 2 weeks prior.

Medical Preparations

  • Yellow Fever vaccine is required by the Ugandan Ministry of Health for entrance to the country. Please look into this asap, as availability can be limited. Check with your health care provider or various pharmacies.

  • Anti-malarial medication is required to join the session. Malaria is all too common in UG, and the last thing you need is to have it. It will at the least put you out of commission and at the most, it is fatal.

  • Other vaccines are optional: typhoid, hepatitis A, meningitis, updated tetanus. You will not be at high risk for these, but they are ones people can get to travel within East Africa.

Scheduled Zooms

  • You will meet online with Jennie to touch base on any details to prepare for the trip, meet your cohort, make sure all expectations are understood, and timelines are being kept.


Cultural Orientation

Watch Orientation Videos

Scheduled Zooms

  • You will meet online with Jennie to discuss various things and do some role plays in preparation for respectfully engaging in another cultural context.

Learn about northern Uganda - Watch and/or Read

Spiritual Guide

Watch Videos to Learn Information in More Detail

Required Readings and Podcasts

  • The Deeply Formed Life, Rich Villodas; Holiness, Jackie Hill Perry

  • These books are to be read prior to arriving in Uganda. Please take notes throughout and be ready to discuss.

  • While in Uganda, we will also be readying Sacred Fire, Ronald Rohlheiser

  • Listen to podcast “The Eternal Current Podcast” Episode 7 A Rule of Life (with Rich Villodas)

Heart and Mind

  • Give permission to the Holy Spirit. Ask God to open your eyes, mind, and heart to what he wants to teach you and show you.

  • Be writing down things God is showing you or that you are hoping will happen during this season and journey.

  • Ask: God, how do you want to form my character? How can people encounter me in public and in private and experience You? Where is surrender needed in my life?

  • Ask: God, your Kingdom come and Your will be done. What does that mean for your life? How can you be in the place where God is, the Kingdom?

Scripture Readings

  • Read Colossians.

  • Read slowly. Read multiple times. Take notes as you read. What sticks out to you. What are instructions? What are general principles?